2015年11月6日 星期五


  1. 前置準備在他預備展開工作前,問他幾個關鍵問題:有哪些人必須參與這個項目?你需要哪些資源?你有工作進度計畫嗎?你明白應該做到哪些指標,才能達到老闆要求的目標嗎?你知道在什麼時候應該向上級報告進度嗎?讓他明確回答這些問題,能夠確保屬下確實能夠執行你交待的任務,而不需要你在過程中介入細節。
  2. 執行過程中的參與依照你與屬下訂好的約定,制定項目執行過程的檢查點,參與討論,瞭解他遇到的困難,並提供他必要的協助,或是修正工作計畫
  3. 事後檢討當項目完成後,共同檢討,指出完成了哪些具體目標,哪些方法不可行,以及他學習到了什麼。
Management without Micro-Management
Whether the new supervisor or experienced supervisor, are often plagued by fine management on whether we should intervene in its daily work. You want to be able to give their sufficient authorization, let them make their own decision. You only need to provide them with necessary assistance. With such way, your subordinates can do a good job?
You can manage it like this:
  1. Pre prepared. In his preparation work before he asked several key questions: Who must participate in the project? What resources you need? What is your working schedule? Do you know what should be done to achieve the requirements of the indicators? What is boss target? Do you know what should report to superiors at what time? Let him answer these questions clearly, to ensure that he is really capable of performing the task you gave, but don't need you in the process of mediation into details.
  2. Your participation during the process of execution. Under setting a good agreement, making the project execution process of check points, and participate in the discussion, to understand his difficulties, and to provide him with the necessary assistance, or revised work plan.
  3. When the project was completed, arrange a review. Jointly review what specific objectives had been achieved, which methods were not feasible, and what he had learned.

