2015年11月16日 星期一


  1. 想象自己在承擔項目中的感覺。你可以預先想象一下,當你承擔起這個新項目,究竟是感到興奮,或是有排斥感?
  2. 了解這個項目的背景與歷史。盡可能去查明這個項目的起源與歷程。設法知道這些對你有何意義?
  3. 知道項目發起者的用意。很重要的是,了解誰是這個項目的發起者,或是擁有者。去了解這個項目對他們有何意義?
  4. 檢討自己的負荷能力。有可能你目前能夠承擔的工作已經滿載了,評估一下你已經做出的其他承諾。
How to decide whether to accept a new project?
Assignment to undertake a new project may make you feel overwhelmed or overloaded.
How to judge whether to accept assignment? Consider the following:
  1. Imagine how you feel about undertaking a project. You can imagine in advance, when you take on this new project, is it exciting or exclusive?
  2. Understand the background and history of this project. Find out the origin and course of the project as much as possible. Try to know what this means to you?
  3. Know the intention of the project sponsor. It is important to know who is the sponsor or owner of the project. What does it mean for them to know about this project?
  4. Review your load capacity. It's possible that the work you're currently able to undertake is full. Assess the other commitments you've made.

