2019年1月23日 星期三



Think of Delegating as a Chance to Teach Your Employees
For many managers, the most difficult part of delegation is the belief that the task will be done well. But it becomes easier when you think of it as a chance to train your staff, not just get rid of some work.
Next time you need to delegate authority, first determine who on your team is ready to handle more responsibility. Then create simple tasks to help them learn the skills they need.
For example, if you want someone to chair a weekly meeting and ask them to practice every part of the process: One week, they can create an agenda, which you will review that agenda. Next, they can watch you run the meeting and have a lot of opportunities to ask questions. Ultimately, they will be ready to chair the meeting themselves, after which you can provide feedback.
This kind of teaching can be time-consuming, but it will go a long way toward preparing your team for more-complex work.

