2017年9月15日 星期五



Don't expect your boss to settle all the conflicts
It's easy to drop a conflict problem in the team to the boss.
However, if it is not because of how to arrange project priority, or not agreed on a project completion date, and caused a conflict, why not ask the actual person in charge of the project. And, according to the steps to discuss and check to see if information needed ready or not? All possible plan options have been fully discussed?
It's good for everyone - you, your colleagues, your boss, if you can solve the problem without always involving the superior.
Don't put the conflict as a kind of trouble, it will cause anxiety and alienation, but it is a chance to grow. Let everyone in the team to publicly discuss any differences, and then establish the correct model of the behavior. Calmly to share your ideas with the team, even in view of differences between colleagues. Don’t finger point to each other.
Finally, consolidate your reached consensus and differences, submit to your boss and invite him to join discussion, to see if there is thoughtful consideration. Then, if necessary, ask him to make decision.

