2019年3月12日 星期二


Managers, how can you open your heart to your team without too much emphasis?
This is usually a good thing when employees feel they have personal contact with their bosses. But when leaders share too many ideas and feelings, they may undermine their authority. Imagine a manager saying, "I'm scared. I don't know what to do."
A good rule of thumb is to open your heart when you think it's helpful to others. Evaluate your personal comments by considering how your boss feels about what he says to you. If you are grateful to hear that, your team will feel the same. If not, please act with caution.
For example, tell employees that you are in a bad mood because you are having a bad day; tell them that you are in a bad mood because you disagree with the decision of senior management that may not be the case.
Openness is also useful when it helps your team to be less isolated: if you feel people are anxious about a project, admit that you feel the same pressure and thank them for their efforts.

