2017年1月14日 星期六



Let people know how to influence you
To work efficiently, you must listen to different points of view with open mind. In fact, these different perspectives can help make creative problem-solving, high-quality decision-making, and better innovation.
To convince others that you are open-minded person, let others know how to influence you and be their partner. Tell them what information will change your mind. Don’t try to soothe their words in your language, relative to what they can say more persuasively.
For example, you CFO tell you, you have to cut back on manpower. You can say this: Don't just tell me that revenue is going to fall in the next two quarters, tell me how our staffing will affect our revenue performance for the next four seasons. I’d like to analyze the situation of our company with you.
Let people know how they can influence you so they can better prepared. The more you can get their full story, the more you can make decisions.
If you want others to be open to your decisions, you must also be open to them.  

