2016年10月14日 星期五


  1. 上手練習。主動學習者的工作效能會高過於被動學習者。要抓住大願景是一回事,但是要付諸實踐是另外一回事。
  2. 評估與調整。要讓你的訓練投資有實際價值,你必須要求訓練團隊能夠建立起評估學員學習效果的評量辦法。若是與訓練目標有差距,做出必要的調整。
  3. 有複習的空間。通常實施訓練完畢后,最常出現的一個障礙是學員回到工作崗位上,還是要面對一堆焦頭爛額的工作,無暇複習他上課所學。因此,在學員上完課后,應該適度調整他的工作負擔,讓他能夠喘口氣來複習他上課所學。這樣,他不僅能夠因此確實在工作上提高生產力,也會增加他對公司的忠誠度。
Help your employees learn new technology
Modern jobs need to be familiar with the latest tools and technologies in order to keep competitiveness. However, training employees is expensive. To maximize effective of training, please pay attention to three important items:
  1. Practice. Active learners have higher job performance than passive learners. It's one thing to catch the big vision, but it's another to put it into practice.
  2. Assessment and adjustment. To make your training investment practical, you must ask the training team to set up a measure to evaluate the students' learning effects. If there is a gap with the training goal, make the necessary adjustment.
  3. There is a room for review. Usually after training is completed, one of the most common obstacles is whether a student returns to work or has to face a pile of battered work. He has no time to review what he has learned in class. Therefore, after the students finish the class, he should adjust his work burden moderately so that he can take a breath to review his lessons. In this way, he can not only improve productivity in his work, but also increase his loyalty to the company.

